Retreats & Workshops
"I'm still trying to find words sufficient to describe the retreat' For Love'. A fundamental shift has taken place in me and I have a greater sense of well being. I am holding my body differently, with less tension in multiple areas. People I have known for a while have said I look different since returning. I feel more relaxed, my nervous system calmer, even in the face of everyday life stressors.
Joanna fosters deep trust and safety in the groups she facilitates. This ability of hers is essential in laying a foundation for vulnerable work. I would absolutely recommend a retreat or workshop with her if you are eager to dive deep into yourself with the warm support of good company." R.A-M, London

Radical Creativity - 3 workshops
29th/30th March : Unlearning
7th/8th June : Shifting the inner Paradigm
1st/2nd November : the Heart of Creativity
Over these 3 weekends we will enquire into and explore what Radical Creativity means to us, from the ground of awakening, and how we can recognise and engage it as a force for good in our lives and in the world.
The weekends will work as a series and as one-off workshops.
Each weekend will have it's own theme within this exploration
March - Unlearning : What is apparently "in the way"? : acknowledging the limbic triggers fuelled by convictions from old stories of "right and wrong" and working towards release, more spaciousness, and more confidence in being.
June - Shifting the Inner Paradigm - enquiring into where we are relating to our experience from in any moment, and how that dictates what happens next; what ground are we presuming in any moment and whether we are willing and able to relax any presumptions.
November - The Heart of Creativity : trusting how we are moved, by unforced creativity, to participate in the world we inhabit - having the courage and confidence in being to show up and step forward to encounter this Life.
It is possible to come to just one, or to come to more than one as each weekend will explore different aspects of this theme Radical Creativity but will not rely on your participation in the other workshops. There is a price incentive to come to more than one.
Cost for one workshop : £150 (concession £120)
for two workshops booked together : £275 (concession £230);
for all 3 workshops booked together : £400 (concession £350)
These are non residential workshops at Caddaford Barns, South Devon, with the option of privately booking your own B&B or self-catered accommodation on site (subject to availability)
These links are appropriate for any of the workshops at Caddaford Barns.
(B&B -
and a 2 bedroom and a 3 bedroom apartment through Helpful Holidays (minimum 3 nights)
There are also low cost rooms available at the Christian Community in Buckfastleigh - subject to availability
"What Remains? Enquiry into Stillness"
Mini Retreat: at Shute Cottage, Hennock, Devon
Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th April 2025 (NB. This is a date change from dates originally given)
Residential and Non Residential options
In this retreat we give time and space to bring our awareness to what remains when form and content drop away.
Slowing down, Softening, Relaxing into each moment as it is, noticing our immediate thoughts, feelings and sensations and then spreading our attention to appreciate the continuity of being which is always underlying our experience, asking for nothing and offering everything. There will be periods of silence between some sessions.
We will all gather at 6pm on Thursday 24th to eat a simple soup and bread supper together and the session will start after that. This is for everyone (residential and not).
Session times on Friday and Saturday will be 10am - 6pm. Non residential people will arrive with time to settle in and start the session at 10am.
Alex will lightly hold evening sessions (a relevant recorded podcast one evening and a recorded guided meditation the next) after the residential people have shared a meal. Non residential people can access the same recordings at home.
Sunday session times will be 10am - 12:30pm - and we will leave before lunch.
Residential places : £120 for accommodation plus £60 food, ie £180
non residential venue costs £60 plus £25 food, ie £85
for all : facilitation fee to me : £150 - £250 (according to your means).
£50 deposit will secure a place.
Trauma and Spirituality, co-facilitated with John Wilks
John is a Bowen and Craniosacral therapist, who has done workshops with Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges and Babette Rothschild and training in working with early trauma with William Emerson, Matthew Appleton and others. You can listen to him talking about Spirituality and Trauma here
Thursday May 1st 7-9pm; Friday May 2nd, Saturday May 3rd 10am - 6pm; Sunday May 4th 10am to 1pm 2025 (new dates)
What do we mean by Trauma? What do we mean by Spirituality? How do they each influence us in our lives?
Movement, Somatic Exercises, the Tri-Brain process ( ) meditation, information about the Vagus Nerve, enquiry
in Devon. At Caddaford Barns. Cost £240
More info and to book a space contact John:
My next booking at Bala Brook for a week's retreat is
24th to 30th November 2025 -
where I will run another LOVE MOST NATURAL retreat
I am taking bookings already - a £160 deposit will secure your place.
Please email me to express interest - [email protected]
A full week to explore and experience your natural capacity to give and receive unconditional acceptance.
Drawing on many sources, I will bring a unique programme of processes and enquiries to awaken and support your innate predisposition for heart connection.
We will consider what we mean by emotional safety - and how to find this safety within.
We will take any arguments, doubts, wounds, deficiencies into account, but the focus will be on experiencing the potential rather than the difficulty.
Alex Bennett will be assisting this retreat. He has been involved for many years in This Movement, Movement of Being and This Beautiful Work (and is also agreeably friendly, reliable and practical).
This is a residential retreat at the beautiful Bala Brook retreat centre on the edge of Dartmoor. Maximum 12 people. Each person will have their own room. More on the venue here
Accommodation between £355 - £555 (depending on numbers)
Food approx £120
Facilitation £450 (or between £350 for low income, £550 for high income)
The retreat will start with 6pm dinner on Monday 24th, with arrivals from 4pm, and finish at midday on Sunday 30th November.
Online Groups & Workshops
Guest House Thursdays - the first Thursday of each month, 7- 8pm Free to Attend
podcast introducing the Guest House
These monthly live classes offer an hour in the good company of others to welcome our experience in the present moment, and reconnect with what is most precious : our source nature, our essence. I will guide a meditation and then offer a simple enquiry into “this being human” to be shared in breakout spaces, with some time to reflect together afterwards.
No particular previous experience necessary. Come with a curious heart and an open mind.
The Guest House – by Rumi (Adapted, by me, from the translation by Coleman Barks)
This being human is a guest house.
Every moment a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some arising condition comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and attend to each and every one
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, bless each guest with your presence and curiosity.
They are all part of the same Unfolding Mystery.
The bouncers and the hungry ghosts,
meet them at the door with compassion,
and invite them in.
Appreciate whomever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from the same silent Source
beyond understanding.
There is no obligation to come to every session - drop in when it suits you, but ideally come punctually (as we usually start with a meditation). One regular attendee kindly wrote this, and is happy for me to share it as a testimonial:
"I just wanted to thank you again for these wonderful opportunities in the Guest House.
Recently i said yes to 2 very scary (for me) things, that even 6 months ago I would have run a mile from. Even though I would have wanted to do them, because they help something I believe in, it would have felt too exposed.
Yet, I said yes, and have done the scariest one already, and survived! And I think the Guest House has been a generous part of that change in me.
It's not that I'm braver, it's just that I care less about the backlash of thoughts and feelings that are inevitable afterwards (oh, cringe, cringe, I made a complete berk of myself). Something like knowing those feelings are going to come, and being OK with it. Knowing that I will not be consumed by them, but I now know they will be a small part of my day, mixed up with so many other feelings and sensations that will be the majority. Not quite at the stage of welcoming them with laughter yet, maybe with a wry grin, but that's great progress!
And also hearing other people's insecurities and self-doubt has helped me to see possible unforeseeable consequences that could be for the good - say someone saw me and thought 'wow, she didn't do that very well, but she's clearly wetting her pants with fear, and she's doing it anyway - maybe I could find a way to do that thing that I'm scared of doing...?'
I'm so appreciative of your offering the Guest House, I just wanted you to know that they are rippling out into the world in so many ways you will never know!"
Anyone who is interested in attending can subscribe via the eHealth Learning website page :
When you go to this page a pop up form will open. Fill in the details to register on this form and submit it and then they will be subscribed to the emails which are sent out before the event with the Zoom link included to attend the next scheduled session.
If anyone experiences problems ask them to contact us for help on [email protected]
Strength and Sensitivity - an ongoing closed group enquiring into including both ends of any polarity (currently closed until Feb 2025)
We tend to split reality into "either this or that"
(Left or Right, Strong or Sensitive, Bad or Good, etc)
In this ongoing group we will explore holding both ends of any polarity at the same time, not either/or but both.
When we do this, it has a radical impact on our lives, inviting compassion and flexibility.
We will explore this through movement, meditation and enquiry.
Please email me for dates and more information if you're interested.
Welcome Reality - a fortnightly group based in Totnes on Tuesdays 2-4pm -
FULL - please email me if you'd like to be on a waiting lists
29th/30th March : Unlearning
7th/8th June : Shifting the inner Paradigm
1st/2nd November : the Heart of Creativity
Over these 3 weekends we will enquire into and explore what Radical Creativity means to us, from the ground of awakening, and how we can recognise and engage it as a force for good in our lives and in the world.
The weekends will work as a series and as one-off workshops.
Each weekend will have it's own theme within this exploration
March - Unlearning : What is apparently "in the way"? : acknowledging the limbic triggers fuelled by convictions from old stories of "right and wrong" and working towards release, more spaciousness, and more confidence in being.
June - Shifting the Inner Paradigm - enquiring into where we are relating to our experience from in any moment, and how that dictates what happens next; what ground are we presuming in any moment and whether we are willing and able to relax any presumptions.
November - The Heart of Creativity : trusting how we are moved, by unforced creativity, to participate in the world we inhabit - having the courage and confidence in being to show up and step forward to encounter this Life.
It is possible to come to just one, or to come to more than one as each weekend will explore different aspects of this theme Radical Creativity but will not rely on your participation in the other workshops. There is a price incentive to come to more than one.
Cost for one workshop : £150 (concession £120)
for two workshops booked together : £275 (concession £230);
for all 3 workshops booked together : £400 (concession £350)
These are non residential workshops at Caddaford Barns, South Devon, with the option of privately booking your own B&B or self-catered accommodation on site (subject to availability)
These links are appropriate for any of the workshops at Caddaford Barns.
(B&B -
and a 2 bedroom and a 3 bedroom apartment through Helpful Holidays (minimum 3 nights)
There are also low cost rooms available at the Christian Community in Buckfastleigh - subject to availability
"What Remains? Enquiry into Stillness"
Mini Retreat: at Shute Cottage, Hennock, Devon
Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th April 2025 (NB. This is a date change from dates originally given)
Residential and Non Residential options
In this retreat we give time and space to bring our awareness to what remains when form and content drop away.
Slowing down, Softening, Relaxing into each moment as it is, noticing our immediate thoughts, feelings and sensations and then spreading our attention to appreciate the continuity of being which is always underlying our experience, asking for nothing and offering everything. There will be periods of silence between some sessions.
We will all gather at 6pm on Thursday 24th to eat a simple soup and bread supper together and the session will start after that. This is for everyone (residential and not).
Session times on Friday and Saturday will be 10am - 6pm. Non residential people will arrive with time to settle in and start the session at 10am.
Alex will lightly hold evening sessions (a relevant recorded podcast one evening and a recorded guided meditation the next) after the residential people have shared a meal. Non residential people can access the same recordings at home.
Sunday session times will be 10am - 12:30pm - and we will leave before lunch.
Residential places : £120 for accommodation plus £60 food, ie £180
non residential venue costs £60 plus £25 food, ie £85
for all : facilitation fee to me : £150 - £250 (according to your means).
£50 deposit will secure a place.
Trauma and Spirituality, co-facilitated with John Wilks
John is a Bowen and Craniosacral therapist, who has done workshops with Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges and Babette Rothschild and training in working with early trauma with William Emerson, Matthew Appleton and others. You can listen to him talking about Spirituality and Trauma here
Thursday May 1st 7-9pm; Friday May 2nd, Saturday May 3rd 10am - 6pm; Sunday May 4th 10am to 1pm 2025 (new dates)
What do we mean by Trauma? What do we mean by Spirituality? How do they each influence us in our lives?
Movement, Somatic Exercises, the Tri-Brain process ( ) meditation, information about the Vagus Nerve, enquiry
in Devon. At Caddaford Barns. Cost £240
More info and to book a space contact John:
My next booking at Bala Brook for a week's retreat is
24th to 30th November 2025 -
where I will run another LOVE MOST NATURAL retreat
I am taking bookings already - a £160 deposit will secure your place.
Please email me to express interest - [email protected]
A full week to explore and experience your natural capacity to give and receive unconditional acceptance.
Drawing on many sources, I will bring a unique programme of processes and enquiries to awaken and support your innate predisposition for heart connection.
We will consider what we mean by emotional safety - and how to find this safety within.
We will take any arguments, doubts, wounds, deficiencies into account, but the focus will be on experiencing the potential rather than the difficulty.
Alex Bennett will be assisting this retreat. He has been involved for many years in This Movement, Movement of Being and This Beautiful Work (and is also agreeably friendly, reliable and practical).
This is a residential retreat at the beautiful Bala Brook retreat centre on the edge of Dartmoor. Maximum 12 people. Each person will have their own room. More on the venue here
Accommodation between £355 - £555 (depending on numbers)
Food approx £120
Facilitation £450 (or between £350 for low income, £550 for high income)
The retreat will start with 6pm dinner on Monday 24th, with arrivals from 4pm, and finish at midday on Sunday 30th November.
Online Groups & Workshops
Guest House Thursdays - the first Thursday of each month, 7- 8pm Free to Attend
podcast introducing the Guest House
These monthly live classes offer an hour in the good company of others to welcome our experience in the present moment, and reconnect with what is most precious : our source nature, our essence. I will guide a meditation and then offer a simple enquiry into “this being human” to be shared in breakout spaces, with some time to reflect together afterwards.
No particular previous experience necessary. Come with a curious heart and an open mind.
The Guest House – by Rumi (Adapted, by me, from the translation by Coleman Barks)
This being human is a guest house.
Every moment a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some arising condition comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and attend to each and every one
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, bless each guest with your presence and curiosity.
They are all part of the same Unfolding Mystery.
The bouncers and the hungry ghosts,
meet them at the door with compassion,
and invite them in.
Appreciate whomever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from the same silent Source
beyond understanding.
There is no obligation to come to every session - drop in when it suits you, but ideally come punctually (as we usually start with a meditation). One regular attendee kindly wrote this, and is happy for me to share it as a testimonial:
"I just wanted to thank you again for these wonderful opportunities in the Guest House.
Recently i said yes to 2 very scary (for me) things, that even 6 months ago I would have run a mile from. Even though I would have wanted to do them, because they help something I believe in, it would have felt too exposed.
Yet, I said yes, and have done the scariest one already, and survived! And I think the Guest House has been a generous part of that change in me.
It's not that I'm braver, it's just that I care less about the backlash of thoughts and feelings that are inevitable afterwards (oh, cringe, cringe, I made a complete berk of myself). Something like knowing those feelings are going to come, and being OK with it. Knowing that I will not be consumed by them, but I now know they will be a small part of my day, mixed up with so many other feelings and sensations that will be the majority. Not quite at the stage of welcoming them with laughter yet, maybe with a wry grin, but that's great progress!
And also hearing other people's insecurities and self-doubt has helped me to see possible unforeseeable consequences that could be for the good - say someone saw me and thought 'wow, she didn't do that very well, but she's clearly wetting her pants with fear, and she's doing it anyway - maybe I could find a way to do that thing that I'm scared of doing...?'
I'm so appreciative of your offering the Guest House, I just wanted you to know that they are rippling out into the world in so many ways you will never know!"
Anyone who is interested in attending can subscribe via the eHealth Learning website page :
When you go to this page a pop up form will open. Fill in the details to register on this form and submit it and then they will be subscribed to the emails which are sent out before the event with the Zoom link included to attend the next scheduled session.
If anyone experiences problems ask them to contact us for help on [email protected]
Strength and Sensitivity - an ongoing closed group enquiring into including both ends of any polarity (currently closed until Feb 2025)
We tend to split reality into "either this or that"
(Left or Right, Strong or Sensitive, Bad or Good, etc)
In this ongoing group we will explore holding both ends of any polarity at the same time, not either/or but both.
When we do this, it has a radical impact on our lives, inviting compassion and flexibility.
We will explore this through movement, meditation and enquiry.
Please email me for dates and more information if you're interested.
Welcome Reality - a fortnightly group based in Totnes on Tuesdays 2-4pm -
FULL - please email me if you'd like to be on a waiting lists

FOR FAMILIES with pre-school children
Nurture in Nature group at Nutwells, Buckland in the Moor, alternate Fridays 9:30 - 11:30. For parents and babies/toddlers up to 3 yrs old.
This group is offered by the community organisation Sustainable Families which I founded in 2010 to support parents with the incredibly important work of raising children. We draw on the Parenting by Connection approach and also on aspects of This Beautiful Work. The group is facilitated by me, and hosted by parents with Play Workers Robert Hopwood, Eliza Christopherson and Rozi Hilton and is currently funded through the Lottery.
For more information please WhatsApp message Eliza on 0749164408
Growing Families group at Nutwells, Buckland in the Moor, alternate Fridays 1 - 3:30pm. This group is for parents and children 3+.
This group is supported by DEFRA and Sustainable Families and is hosted by Michel Thill and Eliza Christopherson. We draw on Parenting by Connection, Permaculture and Forest School principles. FFI WhatsApp message Eliza on 0749164408
Nurture in Nature group at Nutwells, Buckland in the Moor, alternate Fridays 9:30 - 11:30. For parents and babies/toddlers up to 3 yrs old.
This group is offered by the community organisation Sustainable Families which I founded in 2010 to support parents with the incredibly important work of raising children. We draw on the Parenting by Connection approach and also on aspects of This Beautiful Work. The group is facilitated by me, and hosted by parents with Play Workers Robert Hopwood, Eliza Christopherson and Rozi Hilton and is currently funded through the Lottery.
For more information please WhatsApp message Eliza on 0749164408
Growing Families group at Nutwells, Buckland in the Moor, alternate Fridays 1 - 3:30pm. This group is for parents and children 3+.
This group is supported by DEFRA and Sustainable Families and is hosted by Michel Thill and Eliza Christopherson. We draw on Parenting by Connection, Permaculture and Forest School principles. FFI WhatsApp message Eliza on 0749164408